Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quicksilver by Stephanie Spinner

I grabbed this book off the library shelf at random when the book I thought I had on hold had been returned to it's original library that afternoon. I don't feel like writing a synopsis, so here is what Amazon has to say about the book:
Amazon Description:
Hermes—also known as Mercury, Wayfinder, and Prince of Thieves—has many talents. Wearing his famed winged sandals, he does the bidding of his father Zeus, leads the dead down to Hades, and practices his favorite arts of trickery and theft. He also sees the future, travels invisibly, loves jokes, and abhors violence. And he’s an entertaining and ideal narrator on a fast-paced journey through ancient Greek mythology—from Medusa’s cave to Trojan War battlefields to the mysterious Underworld.

I've always been intrigued by Greek mythology, which is why I picked up this book to begin with. It was a light-hearted and easy read and tied together several famous stories from the perspective of Hermes. I felt like the retelling of these stories didn't have a whole lot of depth but it was still interesting to read. It kind of makes me want to go read Homer's classics The Illiad and The Odyssey.

3 out of 5 stars

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